Please send to your Representatives thank you letters.
Proszę wysłać do swoich Reprezentantów listy zamieszczone poniżej.
The first letter thanks a Representative for cosponsoring HR 82 and asks him/her to vote yea when HR 82 is brought to the House floor for a vote.
W pierwszym liście dziękujemy swojemu przedstawicielowi za współsponsorowanie ustawy HR 82 i zwracamy się do niego/niej o głosowanie „za”, gdy ustawa HR 82 zostanie poddana pod głosowanie na sali obrad Izby.
Dear Representative _______________,
Thank you for cosponsoring HR 82, which eliminates the unfair reductions in Social
Security pensions and Social Security spousal and survivor benefits imposed by the
Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO).
The WEP reduces the Social Security pension of a retiree simply because that retiree
lawfully earned a non-Social Security pension. The WEP’s equally unjust counterpart,
the GPO, reduces the Social Security spousal benefit and survivor benefit of a spouse
simply because that spouse lawfully earned a non-Social Security pension.
As you well know, HR 82 will end these unjust absurdities, which hardworking
Americans have had to endure for the past 40 years. As you also know, a key factor in
maintaining the solvency of the Social Security program is the entirety of payments that
have been unfairly withheld by the WEP and GPO during the past 40 years. This fact
invalidates the assertion that HR 82 needs a “pay-for”.
When you return to Congress on 12 November, please honor your commitment and
vote yea when HR 82 is brought to the House floor for a vote.
The second letter thanks a Representative for signing the Discharge Petition and asks him/her to vote yea when HR 82 is brought to the House floor for a vote.
W drugim liście dziękujemy przedstawicielowi za podpisanie petycji o absolutorium i prosimy go/ją o głosowanie „za”, gdy ustawa HR 82 zostanie przedstawiona Izbie w celu głosowania.
Dear Representative _______________,
Thank you for signing the Discharge Petition for HR 82, which eliminates the unfair
reductions in Social Security pensions and Social Security spousal and survivor benefits
imposed by the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset
The WEP reduces the Social Security pension of a retiree simply because that retiree
lawfully earned a non-Social Security pension. The WEP’s equally unjust counterpart,
the GPO, reduces the Social Security spousal benefit and survivor benefit of a spouse
simply because that spouse lawfully earned a non-Social Security pension.
As you well know, HR 82 will end these unjust absurdities, which hardworking
Americans have had to endure for the past 40 years. As you also know, a key factor in
maintaining the solvency of the Social Security program is the entirety of payments that
have been unfairly withheld by the WEP and GPO during the past 40 years. This fact
invalidates the assertion that HR 82 needs a “pay-for”.
When you return to Congress on 12 November, please honor your commitment and
vote yea when HR 82 is brought to the House floor for a vote.
The third letter thanks a Senator for cosponsoring S 597 and asks him/her to vote yea when S 597 is brought to the Senate floor for a vote.
W trzecim dziękujemy senatorowi za współsponsorowanie ustawy S 597 i prosimy o głosowanie „za”, gdy ustawa S 597 kiedy ta zostanie poddana pod głosowanie na forum Senatu.
Dear Senator _______________,
Thank you for cosponsoring S 597, Social Security Fairness Act, which eliminates the
unfair reductions in Social Security pensions and Social Security spousal and survivor
benefits imposed by the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension
Offset (GPO).
The WEP reduces the Social Security pension of a retiree simply because that retiree
lawfully earned a non-Social Security pension. The WEP’s equally unjust counterpart,
the GPO, reduces the Social Security spousal benefit and survivor benefit of a spouse
simply because that spouse lawfully earned a non-Social Security pension.
As you well know, this is an issue of fairness and S 597 will end these unjust
absurdities, which hardworking Americans have had to endure for the past 40 years. As
you also know, a key factor in maintaining the solvency of the Social Security program is
the entirety of payments that were unfairly withheld by the WEP and GPO during the
past 40 years. This fact invalidates the assertion that S 597 needs a “pay-for”.
When you return to Congress on 12 November, please honor your commitment and
vote yea when S 597 is brought to the Senate floor for a vote.
The fourth letter should be sent on 3, 10, and 17 October. It asks the seven Senators to cosponsor S 597 and to vote yea when S 597 is brought to the Senate floor for a vote.
Czwarty list powinien zostać wysłany 3, 10 i 17 października, wzywa siedmiu Senatorów do współsponsorowania S 597 i głosowania „tak”, gdy S 597 zostanie wniesione na salę Senatu w celu głosowania.
Dear Senator _______________,
Please cosponsor S 597, Social Security Fairness Act, which eliminates the unfair
reductions in Social Security pensions and Social Security spousal and survivor benefits
imposed by the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset
The WEP reduces the Social Security pension of a retiree simply because that retiree
lawfully earned a non-Social Security pension. The WEP’s equally unjust counterpart,
the GPO, reduces the Social Security spousal benefit and survivor benefit of a spouse
simply because that spouse lawfully earned a non-Social Security pension.
As you well know, this is an issue of fairness and S 597 will end these unjust
absurdities, which hardworking Americans have had to endure for the past 40 years. As
you also know, a key factor in maintaining the solvency of the Social Security program is
the entirety of payments that were unfairly withheld by the WEP and GPO during the
past 40 years. This fact invalidates the assertion that S 597 needs a “pay-for”.
When you return to Congress on 12 November, please cosponsor S 597 and vote yea
when S 597 is brought to the Senate floor for a vote.
Senator Todd Young (IN)
Lauren O’Brien
(202) 224-5623
Senator Steve Daines (MT)
Dan Gerig
(202) 224-2651
Senator Roger Marshall (KS)
Taylor Lajoie
(202) 224-4774
Senator James Lankford (OK)
Sarah Seitz
(202) 224-5754
Senator Bill Hagerty (TN)
Natalie McIntyre
(202) 224-4944
Senator Ron Johnson (WI)
Courtney Rutland
(202) 224-5323
Senator George Helmy (NJ)
Rajiv Venkatatamanan
(202) 224-4744
Senator Name
Facebook Link
Chief of Staff (COS)
Legislative Staff
Marshall, Roger [R-KS]
(202) 224-4774
Lankford, James [R-OK]
(202) 224-5754
Hagerty, Bill [R-TN]
(202) 224-4944
Johnson, Ron [R-WI]
(202) 224-5323
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